Philipp Dechow
Prof. Dr.-Ing. registered Architect
Stations |
1993-2000 Studies of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Stuttgart 2018 Professor of Urban Design, HFT Stuttgart
Contact Details |
Partner of ISA Stadtbauatelier
since 2013 Management of the research project „URBAN VOIDS"
2013 Completion of the promotion „Die Fassade als stadtraumbildendes Element" at the Urban Planing Institut / University Stuttgart
2010: GREEN GOOD DESIGN 2010, price in the category architecture for the research project „Klimahüllen“
2005-2006 Project management „Klimahüllen für Gewerbegebiete“. Research project by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung and the Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen, in the course of the BMBF-program „Bauen und Wohnen im 21. Jahrhundert“ in cooperation with Schlaich, Bergermann und Partner, assistant engineers
2006 BSVI-price „Straßen in Dorf und Stadt“ pedestrian zone Ellwangen (in cooperation with the Stadtplanungsamt Ellwangen)
2005-2006 Doctoral sponsorship by the Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg
2004 Sponsorship by the Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg
Several successes within national and international competitions
Important Projects
- Academician Valley, Xi'an / China, 2019
- Civic Plaza Area, Guangzhou / China, 2018
- Masterplan Nansha Bay, Nansha Bay / China, 2018
- North Square and Supporting Facilities, Xian / CN, 2017
- Road markings, Parklets, Reutlingen / GER, 2017
- Education City, Guangzhou / CHN, 2014
- Pedestrian Zone, Minden / GER, 2011
- City Image Planning, Seoul / KOR, 2010
- "Hofer Himmel", Hof / GER, 2007
- New Town, Lijiang / CHN, 2004
- Pedestrian Area, Ellwangen / GER, 1998
- "Bahnhofstrasse", Esslingen / GER, 1997